What Point Should Your Migration Agent in Hamilton Absolutely Mention Regarding Partner Visa?

If you are looking into Australian Partner Visa but do not know how to navigate the subject successfully, it is crucial to hire professional help. Yes, initially, when someone suggests this, you will find the point to be unnecessary, but within a short while, everything will become evident. For instance, you will understand that hiring a Migration Agent Hamilton will be your best option. This way, you will get all the essential information, and no amount of complication or pitfalls will be able to get to you.

Some Relevant Information You Should Know 

Along with knowing that the hired migration agent will be able to help, you also need to have an idea about some relevant information that should be shared immediately. If you are trying to get your partner to Australia, then you will have to sponsor that person. Every partner visa applicant requires a sponsor. Without that, they cannot proceed with the rest of the formalities and steps.

Asking Questions To an Experienced Person Helps 

When your agent is informing you of this point, you also need to be ready with every question you can think of. Yes, the information is readily available on the internet, but there is no denying the fact that, data coming from an experienced and competent professional will be entirely trustworthy. So, when your migration agent informs you that despite needing a sponsor and you wanting to be one, not everyone is eligible for the responsibility.

You May not be Eligible for the Sponsorship 

There are circumstances and regulations under which an individual may be precluded from becoming an eligible sponsor for their partner. There can be various reasons behind such development. For example, if someone has already sponsored two or more partner visa applicants, then they cannot sponsor another person for the same visa. If the sponsor in question had been sponsored for the visa within the last five years, then also they will be ineligible to sponsor someone else.

Some Details you Should not Overlook Ever 

As soon as you are becoming a sponsor, you are signing an undertaking in the sponsorship form, which will have to be submitted with the applicant’s application. The sponsorship and partner visa application should be submitted at the same time. As the sponsor, you will have multiple responsibilities as well. If your partner is applying under the fiancĂ© visa or prospective marriage visa; then as a sponsor, you will be the person solely responsible for all financial obligations they may cause while staying in the country. This is why; as a sponsor, you will fall under the scrutiny of the Department of Immigration. They will need all information regarding your employment and financial circumstances.

You Should be Able to Support your Partner 

If and when your partner is granted a visa, the sponsor will have to provide proper accommodation and financial assistance as required for their living. It is also accepted that the requirements do extend to practical living needs. Suppose your partner is applying for the offshore partner visa. In that case, you will have to ensure that you are capable of providing adequate accommodation and financial assistance for their first two years in Australia. All these details hint at one point, and that is, you have to be financially capable to provide for your partner. You have to be able to meet their financial needs from the time they are granted the temporary partner visa till they are granted permanent partner visa.

The Details of a Well-Prepared Application 

Your application will prove to be thorough and well-prepared, only when there will be enough documented evidence that you, as the sponsor, can provide the accommodation and fulfil the financial needs of your partner. If the visa application of your partner includes any secondary applicants, then your sponsorship will consist of all the secondary applicants as well. In short, you will be responsible for their accommodation and financial support too. Your migration agent should be informing you about these details in the beginning.


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